Siru Wen

Siru was born and raised in a small town in China near the ocean.
Her parents dreamed of becoming performing artists before having her, now they work in the plastic bag business.
文思茹是一名跨界别艺术家。她的创作游走于装置艺术、电影和摄影之间。她试着去思考空间与时间之间流动或停滞时所引发的能量和情感 - 探索时间是如何雕磨人事与空间,以及人事空间是如何揭示时间的变换。
Siru is an interdisciplinary artist whose practice moves through installation, film, and photography as she meditates on the meanings, energies, and sentiments that flow or pause between space and time, exploring how time sculpts spaces and beings and how spaces and beings disclose time.
She often turns towards reducing and giving attention to the mundane.
For collaborations, exhibitions, and other inquiries,
please contact: siruwen@gmail.com